“She’s Just Thirsty!”

Thirsty doesn’t mean what you think it means.

The boys tell horror stories from the world of retail. Look out for the hyper-spitter, the rolly polly insurance guy, and new slang. Is she thirsty? Are you thirsty? What are we talking about? Also some music and movie discussion.

Subscribe on iTunes.

“Wagon Wheel” by Kevin MacLeod
“Gypsy Jazz In Paris 1935” by Brett Van Donsel

“Underneath the Mango Tree!”

I don’t care what you say, mango is a good fruit.

The guys discuss a strange mango based song.  Mike opens up about his tragic cookie binge.  If he had only knew.  Adam discusses the friendly weirdos of Florida.  Also some new music recommendations and pop culture wahooey.

Subscribe on iTunes.


“Wagon Wheel” by Kevin MacLeod

“One-Hit Wonders!”

The Wonders of a Bygone Era!

The guys take a trip back in time, discussing their favorite one-hit wonders from the 90’s and 2000’s. They spend a lot of time on this. But they do get to music recommendations and some talk about movies.

Subscribe on iTunes.

“Wagon Wheel” by Kevin MacLeod
“Gypsy Jazz In Paris 1935” by Brett Van Donsel

“Robot Scarlett Johansson”

Don’t fear the Walking Dead, fear the robot!

It’s late again and they boys are barricaded in.  Mike and Adam discuss recent television events, including the Walking Dead finale and Wrestlemania.  Also some super cool music recommendations you just have to check out. Be afraid of the bank-robbing Robot Scar Jo.  Be very afraid.

Listen to the show on iTunes.

“Wagon Wheel” by Kevin MacLeod
“Gypsy Jazz In Paris 1935” by Brett Van Donsel