Our circadian rhythms are all janked up thanks to the evil American farmers. But at least we manage to record our errant ramblings for your listening pleasure. It beats listening to that Interpol album for the umpteenth time, right?
Tag Archives: york
“Lady Riding Big Tricycle”
It’s a new year and Mike and Adam are back in action. Join them as they reminisce the holidays, dig on New York and Texas, and generally waste everyone’s time. Enjoy, for this will be out last year on Earth.
“Bare Down on This”
In this episode, Mike and Adam discuss the trials of tiny undershirts, waiting at a doctor’s office, and probe the world of tech business. Be sure to check out the website for links to the music/shows we recommend.
“Android Woes”
Michael related his trying experience when switching to a new smartphone and Adam feigns interest. Also, more exciting tales of friendly New Yorker’s and intelligent Texans. Be sure to check below for links to the music and shows we recommend.
“The ‘Tech’ Episode”
The boys stumble through a discussion about the new iPhone 5, and prove how technologically advanced they are. Strange Texan car rituals are mentioned, as well as a shout out to a certain lady driver. All this and some more Netflix and iTunes recommendations.