You’ll be arguing about hamburgers for days. Or not.
Mike describes a bizarre scam involving iPhones and gift cards. And he gives us his expert opinion on hamburgers. Adam had a wild night… at Walmart. And, of course, yet another dad rant.
Mike and Adam discuss the incredibly low bar Amazon Echo has for dads. Did you know dads can take care of children!?? Will wonders never cease!? Also, an old man somehow gets on the podcast and complains about people getting upset about the rain. Seriously.
When you don’t know what to say, say it’s the best day ever.
Mike and Adam have a free-wheeling convo about all things. Or better put, they complain like men much older than themselves. At least they still have their hair… for now. Texas is up for lampooning, as is the crazies from Florida. Also, we hear some stellar accents. This is surely the best day ever.
Remember that t-shirt from the 80’s? Slugs, not drugs?
The boys are back for another 40-ish minutes of mild hilarity. Mike tries to remember a shirt from the 80’s about drugs. Adam complains about a lady just trying to walk her dog. And they both dish on their father’s iconic accents. And there’s something about a couple from Florida.