The First Rule of Walmart is Never Talk About Walmart.
This week, the boys are back together again. They discuss Hurricane Michael and Adam’s harrowing escape to Bama. Michael got a new iPhone and disaster occurs. And something about Walmart…
You’ll be arguing about hamburgers for days. Or not.
Mike describes a bizarre scam involving iPhones and gift cards. And he gives us his expert opinion on hamburgers. Adam had a wild night… at Walmart. And, of course, yet another dad rant.
Michael discovers a hard truth about his 1980’s wrestling shirt. The boys also complain about one of the most popular songs on Spotify. This is a shorter episode. Let us know what you think about the length. Kisses!
The boys reveal their agism as they complain about rude old people. Hey, just because you’re north of 50 doesn’t mean you can be a jerk! That’s our stance. They also discuss the horrific time they entered a smelly Apple Store. Be afraid. It gets pretty fugly.
It’s late again and they boys are barricaded in. Mike and Adam discuss recent television events, including the Walking Dead finale and Wrestlemania. Also some super cool music recommendations you just have to check out. Be afraid of the bank-robbing Robot Scar Jo. Be very afraid.